

Monday, November 4, 2013

Thankful for friends

Josh and I have been blessed with some of the greatest friends. Lifelong friends, the MFD brotherhood, and our CFI family have all been there along our journey - praying for us and supporting us in every way.  We have a lot more friends than what's listed below, but these are the ones that have been around for a lot of life... the nitty gritty, down in the weeds details that not everyone gets to hear or see.

Briana - My most adventurous, independent friend. She inspires me to follow my dreams no matter how hard and real the struggle may be. She's one of the most motivated people I've ever known, and I know someday she'll achieve every goal she ever made for herself.

Nichole - My stubborn friend. We've been side by side through almost every phase of life. We've fought, ignored each other, loved each other, and cried together. We've given tons of advice to each other: taken some and ignored some.  We've learned a lot of things the hard way, but we always make it work in the end. She just recently married an amazing man and I couldn't be happier for her to start this new journey.

Michael - For the record, Michael was MY friend first. My older brother, the sole trustee of the male population by my parents, I could often be found as a 15 year old riding around with this 30 year old looking man. HA! He's the reason I met Josh, and there's never a dull moment when he's around.

Shannon - This girl provides more life lessons for me than anyone. She gives the best advice, and she's always real and real blunt with me. She took the leap of faith and we started CrossFit together and we've since become great friends. She's also my sanity on bad days at work. She talks me down. Often.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:  If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

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